Monday to Saturday 10 AM - 7 PM
Ayur Wellness and Pain Centre
0121 553 7575

Congratulations!Your Mind Body type has been determined as VATA!
While, this is the first step in understanding your health in a bigger perspective. Ayurveda recommends individual or customized diet & lifestyle for each Dosha type.
Even though, your dominant dosha type is Pitta! Ayurveda says that a person might have subtle nature of other doshas as well. That's why, it is important to understand each & every character & analyse accordingly!
To understand unique combination, it is not practically accurate with one quiz for everyone. That is why we created a dosha master class.
This masterclass can help clarify all your doubts you have regarding your mind body type.
It covers all the different combination dosha types, how to identify your ideal diet & how to practically work it out.
We will send you all relevant information regarding the class once you register here!